Monday, August 12, 2013

Yin and Yang

In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin and yang describes how seemingly opposing forces act in a complementary and interrelated way.

Many of the students that I work with are actively overcoming obstacles to higher education. These obstacles range from poverty to difficult work-school-life balance to English as a second language to challenges with math, and so on. What obstacles must you overcome to be successful in college?

The important point that I continually make with my students is that obstacles are assets. This may sound strange at first, because obstacles and assets seem to be opposing forces, but they are in fact complementary and interrelated. That is, to be overcoming obstacles is to be strong, resourceful, creative, driven, intelligent, hard working, and so on.

This realization does not make the obstacles any less formidable, but it should give you a boost of self-confidence. You are stronger than you realize. Let go of limiting thoughts and recognize how powerful you are to reach these heights through the process of overcoming obstacles.

Now channel that strength toward bigger and bigger goals - onward and upward!

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